What if I fall asleep? How do I know I’m not just falling asleep?

‘Hypnos’ is the Greek word for sleep, but it’s not sleep in usual sense of the word. For many of us, sleep occurs when the conscious mind and body lose consciousness out of sheer exhaustion while still holding onto physical, mental and emotional tensions. If you were “just falling asleep” as you do at home, you would not be seeing and feeling the rapid, positive changes in your life that our clients experience with Restorative Hypnotherapy.

Will I remember everything?

Yes and no. Sometimes people think that they have heard everything, and upon questioning realize that they did not. Some people do hear everything and some don’t remember anything! Every session is different. As you become more accustomed to moving into deeper states of hypnosis and meditation it then becomes easier to maintain awareness and recall. But it’s not necessary to remember everything. The part of you that says “I remember/I don’t remember” is your conscious mind speaking. The subconscious mind hears everything and acts upon suggestions according to your intention. The fact that people who have been under anesthesia can recall with hypnosis what was said during the procedure proves that the subconscious mind is always listening.

How do I know Restorative Hypnotherapy will work for me?

If you are unable to attain your goals, you may actually be hypnotizing yourself to fail! Just as water always flows downhill, our subconscious habitually defers to the behavior with the strongest emotional charge connected with it. We tend to do what makes us feel the most real and alive, no matter what. If being "bad" is fun, you know what happens... regardless of our logic, goal or morality. So often we subconsciously invest more feelings in the problem than in the solution, focusing our imagination more intently on what we are not supposed to do, than on making the healthy choice.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Absolutely not. Hypnosis was approved by the Council of Mental Health of the American Medical Association in 1958 as a safe practice with no harmful side effects. We greatly underestimate the ability of the subconscious to protect itself. The only dangers are in misconceptions promoted by fundamentalist religious leaders who wish to frighten and disempower their followers. Fear and ignorance have caused more people to hurt themselves and/or others, even while wide awake, than would ever occur in a hypnotherapy session.

Can I be made to do things against my will?

Emphatically NO. You can never be made to do anything against your will or contrary to your value system. You would not unknowingly reveal your deepest secrets; it is even possible to lie in hypnosis, which is why testimony while in hypnosis is not permissible evidence in a court of law. A person will act only upon suggestions that serve them in some way or reinforce an expected behavior, anything else their subconscious will simply ignore. Most people develop these misperceptions from seeing or hearing about a Stage Hypnosis show, which, you must understand, is done for entertainment purposes only.

How does Stage Hypnosis work?

In order to "hypnotize" a person into performing silly or bizarre behavior on-stage, the circumstances must warrant the behavior, like in a first year acting class. The charismatic or "kingly" Stage Hypnotist takes the stage with much flourish, sets his agenda in motion in front of an inquisitive audience and relies on the emotionally charged atmosphere to motivate his "subject" to conform and act out his "commands". It is all done in the name of good fun, there is much laughter and clapping present, but the Stage Hypnotist most certainly does not have "control" over the participants. The truth is: all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Three conditions must be met for hypnosis to work: a person must agree to be hypnotized, participate in the process with their full attention and be able to use their imagination. That is why the Stage Hypnotist always asks for volunteers, and usually the volunteers have seen a show before so they know what to expect. After the initial hypnotic induction the Stage Hypnotist will then reinforce compliance by asking all noncompliant volunteers to leave the stage. The Stage Hypnotist does little in the realm of educating the audience on how it all works, thus creating a state of surprise, wonderment, and awe (like a good magician) so they can book more shows. Hypnotherapy differs greatly from Stage Hypnosis in that it serves the client's agenda only and does not serve to promote the illusion that the hypnotherapist possesses magical or occult powers. Most importantly, remember this: if you really believe you can change or heal yourself, you can! And Restorative Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals more easily.

How many sessions will I need?

Every person and every situation is unique, so there is no way to say in advance how many sessions you will need. Some people get what they need from only one session, feeling dramatically transformed. A rough average might be anywhere from 3 to 7 sessions, though some clients have come for years because they love the process so much and consider it an essential service, such as getting a massage once or twice a month. Many clients say that it feels better than a massage, because their mind relaxes too!

Can anybody do it?

If you are alive, you can do it. Even children and especially teenagers enjoy and benefit from our unique service of Restorative Hypnotherapy.


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